Mindshift at KYJO!
KYJO’s youth are utilizing recreational activities to enhance their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. There is a mindshift happening at KYJO and utilizing recreational activities will not only enhance overall well-being, but provide mental skills to adjust, persevere, and overcome adversity that is faced on a daily basis.
– KYJO Strong!

We’d like to share a success story of one of our clients with you. Kari is being introduced to adulting and doing it with flying colors. She recently graduated high school and got accepted into Fresno State University to begin her freshman year. She wants to go to school to be an Entrepreneur Baker. Kari also got accepted into the Renaissance Program and approved for an apartment. She is smart, caring, helpful, dedicated, and willing to thrive in her future endeavors. Congrats Kari! 🐾
Community Spotlight
We would like to extend our greatest gratitude to those local businesses who have partnered with KYJO. The meaningful work this agency does, would not be possible without the support, participation, and assets of our community partners!
Thank you for all that you do every day in contributing positively to the overall needs of children in this community!
“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”
– James Penney
Juan Bautista – Bautista Health + Anti-Aging
Simmons & Simmons Wellness Center
Staff Highlights
KYJO Foster Family agency celebrated their annual Staff Appreciation Event on July 14th 2022. We were thrilled with the attendance and engagement from our staff! KYJO employees enjoyed some friendly competition at the Bowling Alley, working hard to win the grand prize! We had many achievements and anniversaries to celebrate within our agency including our Rockstar of the Month, Count on Me Award, Rising Star Award, Resident of the Year Award, Directors Award, and our employee Anniversaries! We surprised our Executive Director/Founder of KYJO Kevin Jordan, with a FEARLESS Award! It was an emotional moment for our KYJO family. It was a well deserved (and overdue) award!
It was a night filled with fun, laughter and appreciation!
Congratulations to the two employees who won our TWO GRAND PRIZES- an ELECTRIC SCOOTER!!!!!
Welcome to the team!!!!
New Hires
- Robert Hubbard, Mental Health Head of Service
- Candice Hewitt, Social Worker/RFA
- Jalen Gragston, Direct Care Counselor 4/6/22
- Ron Alonzo, Mental Health Head of Service
- Fauna Acker, Mental Health Head of Service
- Dr. Cristobal Hernandez, Director of Quality Assurance & Improvement,
- Naomi Acuna, Mental Health Clinician
- Juan Garcia, FFA Support Specialist
- Jaimee Sanders, Direct Care Counselor
- Victoria Granado, Direct Care Counselor
- Dionicia De La Torre, Finance Assistant
- Danny Licona, Direct Care Counselor
- Leontae Gordon, Direct Care Counselor
- Maria Corona Cisneros, Mental Health Clinician
- Dr. Elliott, Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist
- Amber Simmons, Training Coordinator
- Teresa Vasquez, Direct Care Counselor
- Alex Valencia, Direct Care Counselor
- Beatriz Herrera-Montano, Direct Care Counselor
- Felicia Carrasco, Events & Community Outreach Liaison /Parent Partner

Kevin’s Huddle
Hello, world!
I know it’s been some time since we produced our last newsletter, but we have been stirring things up these past few months. With how the world has been over the last two years, we have learned how to adjust and lead out of chaos! Celebrating accomplishments while battling adversities has helped us throughout these crisis times, which has increased our resilience. This is evident by the many great moments captured by the newsletter and the promotion of self-care.
From the direct care staff to the board of directors, we all have had to commit to the cause of making a difference in the lives of others. No matter what we had to overcome, we found a way to make it happen and never gave up! We have always believed fearlessly that greener pastures are on the horizon! That is why soon you will start to see a different make-up here at KYJO.
Every time we face an obstacle in our organization, it’s not viewed as a problem, but rather an opportunity to learn and improve in an effort to bend the curve! If you’re tired, you can take a nap. If you’re depleted, you need to refill. We need to spend significant time doing things that replenish our energy. We will never give back at 100% if we are empty.
This is why our newsletter is back in the rotation. Putting out all the beautiful pleasantries that KYJO does for others definitely fills my bucket. This is why it’s imperative for all who believe in KYJO’s mission, to capture the memories and share them with the world. Take the necessary steps to refill yourself. Once you gain the ability to realize you’re trekking in an entirely new world, you can determine whether you’ll succeed or fail in the future. Here at KYJO, we love to Fail Forward to success!
So proud and thankful to have a great team to make a difference!
Kevin Jordan
Executive Director
Our doors are always open to donations for our Residential Group Homes and foster youth. We are in need of:
- Athletic shoes, hiking boots and river sandals (variety of men’s and women’s sizes)
- New pillowcases and bath towels
- New or gently-used sweatpants
- Paper products (toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels)
- Kitchen supplies (aluminum foil, zip lock bags in sandwich and one-gallon size)
- Cleaning supplies (no-ammonia all-purpose cleaners, laundry detergent, dishwasher soap)
- New, unopened packages of athletic socks – crew or low cut – and boys’ and girls’ underwear
- Personal hygiene items for boys and girls (deodorant, hair supplies, bar soap, toothpaste/toothbrushes, body lotion, etc.)
- Gift cards to grocery and retail stores (Target, Wal-Mart,), restaurants/coffee shops
- Movie, bowling, skiing or swimming passes or tickets to sporting events, concerts or plays
- Arts and crafts items (yarn, beads, art paint, construction paper, poster board)
- Board games, puzzles and playing cards
Amazon Smile
KYJO Enterprises, Inc. is now a featured organization of the Amazon Smile Foundation. Amazon Smile is a charitable extension of Amazon that allows consumers to donate a portion of their purchases to the organization of their choice. Most products that are featured on Amazon are eligible for Amazon Smile with 0.05% of profits being donated. Please visit https://smile.amazon.com to learn more about the program and to sign up to have your Amazon purchases benefit KYJO.